Friday, August 31, 2007

Poop! God's Humility for Moms?

If you have a toddler I am sure you are very familiar with this word- POOP!
What is it with poop? Did God design it to humble moms? If so, it's working!
We are keeping the Wycliffe Bible Translators Ginnie pig over the long weekend. They boys are thrilled. I am not so thrilled but I am glad that we get to have him for four days and then take him back to his home.
Logan just came up to me with something in his hand so I reached my hand out to him and guess what he blessed me with? Ginnie Pig Poop! I have no idea how he ended up with it. I am very humbled at this stage in mommy hood. Between this and potty training, I am very thankful for hand sanitizer!


FordeFam said...

Amen sister!!! I think if it wasn't for hand sanitizer, my hands would be chapped!!! :) Just cleaned up some puupy poop, myself! I have Camille (the puppy) puppy pad trained, so at least she went on the right spot! :)

Hannah E. said...

Ok, thank you for joining me in my poop misery!! Glad you got a kick out of my latest poop story. I can't believe that I just wrote two sentences that contained the word poop. Add that one. Before I had my child, I HATED poop stories and the word "poop", and I NEVER thought poop was funny. My, how life has changed.