Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Would you Bento?

Did you know that making Bento lunches is the newest craze with Dallas moms and their kids? It originates from the Japanese Bento box.
Moms make Bento lunches so that their kids will eat a healthier array of foods like fruits and vegetables. They make them so fun that kids can not resist and therefore might eat something healthy since it looks so cool.
Here is the article that my friend Shannon is the star of, it was in the Headlines of Wednesday's Dallas Morning News:

She even has her own bento blog. .
If you can't tell she really likes to Bento- hello Rachael Ray, this would make a great show!
I can actually see myself getting into this some day when the boys go to school, except they won't be getting cute flowers and butterflies. They will get the coolest pirate and bug themes I can think of. I can already envision what I would do with gummy worms as the dessert. Yummy!


Funky Cold Medinas said...

Girl, I know that's cool and fancy and all, but for LAZY moms, AIN'T NO WAY. Seriously. Gideon better learn to eat his fruits and veggies now, 'cause unless he becomes a junior artiste and can make his own fancy trays, he's getting what I got - PB&J, apple, pretzels, and a capri sun! I had to trade for fruit roll ups and chips my mother wouldn't buy us! We occasionally got Little Debbie's, but that was once in a blue moon.

carleigh said...

that sounds pretty cool. i can just hear audrea saying her response, though. that is what my kids eat every day! pbandj, pretzels, apples sometimes, and juicebox! i wish that i could get zach to eat more, but because of his milk allergy, he hasn't been allowed to eat much variety, and now its chicken everynight. the only veggie i can get him to eat is canned green beans. audrey would have a field day with the flower sandwiches, but she eats all her lunch with out em. and it seems like cutting the sandwich into flowers gives them less than just letting them eat 2 squares instead of 4...

Lori, Landon and Logan said...

I tried it today and it was really hard. I did a cute american flag out of fruit. It was neat but Logan decided to fling it all over the floor. So much for the Bento idea!

Tina Braswell said...

Hi Lori! Wow! You've taken me back - Hampton Road and DBU days. You have a beautiful family! It looks like you're doing well. I'm so glad you said "hi" on my blog! :) Tina

FordeFam said...

Hahaha!!! Love this!!! I wish I had the time!!! Zoe was looking at the pictures of the stuff with me and she thought it looked really cute, but she eats everything already as well!!! Lenci doesn't care what it looks like, if it's anything crunchy like fruit or veggies, she won't have anything to do with it!!! :) I'm just lucky she eats bananas!!! :) She eats rice though, and I got a yummy rice recipe that has finely chopped carrots and celery and onion in it and she gobbles it up like no ones business!!! :) Sad thing...she doesn't even like pbj's!!! I fix them anyway and she peels them apart, eats the jelly and makes a BIG mess!!! Ha! I will keep trying, though!!! :) One thing that's really weird is that our family can eat at La Madelines! I know, weird, but Lenci LOVES eggs and cheese, so we get her quiche and Zoe loves salad, so we get her the Caesar salad. Everyone's happy, and those things are really not that expensive! I need to get a recipe for quiche! That would be even cheaper!!! ;)