Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Logan is One and a Half today!

My baby is one and a half today, and it is pretty emotional for me since this is most likely our last child. I have to say I have tried my best to keep Logan my baby and not let him grow up. Logan waited a long time to walk and I am so thankful that I got to hold on for a few extra months. Now that he is up and running, he has a path of his own!
Here is a list of things I love about our baby Logan.

1. He is an excellent communicator. He tells me when he wants me to sing to him by humming. He tells me that he is hungry through sign language. He tells me when he want something by signing please. He goes and crawls into the guest bed when he is tired, to tell me that he is sleepy. He also brings us the remote when he wants to watch TV. (Man trait!)

2. He loves his family. He doesn't like to be left alone without me or Dave at first. He loves to cuddle with me in the guest bed and wrestle with Dave on our bed.

3. He loves to do anything his big brother does. He now loves to go swimming with us and just learned how to blow bubbles in the pool.

4. He loves learning. He knows where his nose is and giggles when we work on other facial parts but everything is a "nose" to him so far. He also loves his belly button.

5. He loves being outdoors. He has to be out doors right away after he eats breakfast in the morning. He could play outside all day, nap and then head back out again. He loves laying on our labs and cuddling with them outside.

6. He is so silly, funny and smiles a lot. Here is a pic of his cute silly smile pose!


Anonymous said...

Hey Lori,
Logan is so cute! I can't believe how quickly he is growing up!

FordeFam said...

Awwww!!! He's sooo cute!!! Eighteen months is a big step for our little ones in our minds for some reason! I can't believe that Asher will be 1 year old in two months! It's crazy how fast time goes when you are so busy at home! :) Blessings!
Maia ><>