Sunday, July 1, 2007

Our little baseball STAR!

My son LOVES baseball! He played a little tee-ball this year. He played in only one FABULOUS game where he got a huge hit and it felt like we won the lottery, we screamed so loud for him!

At home Landon is the Babe Ruth of the house. He practices baseball for hours. He won't hit off the tee anymore, he wants us to pitch it to him. He hits them over the fence in our pool and all over. I am so proud of his ability! He begs me not to go in and cook dinner because he wants to keep playing, or maybe he does't like my cooking, I'm not sure. :) Today he hit about 10 buckets of balls and then we would retrieve them all and start over again. So I may be a little over the top when I say that one day when you go to the store you just might find a Landon Granniss candy bar. And we are still debating if he should play for the Yankees or the Stros.

With love,


FordeFam said...

What a sweet and encouraging mommy you are!!! He sounds like a neat little boy!!! :)

Janelle and Ella said...

He definitely has the cool name...Landon Granniss.