Saturday, June 30, 2007

Rich Mullins

We pulled out an old CD of Dave's when we got back from our vacation and we can't stop listening to it. It's called 20 The Countdown Magazine remembers Rich Mullins. If you don't have it, I am sorry to tell you that it's out of print, but I might be willing to burn a copy for you. It is the BEST cd we own! It has interviews of Rich Mullins along with his songs meshed together. Every time I listen to it, I am taught something brand new. It is so full of WISDOM that I can listen to it for hours and still keep learning.

Dave felt led to burn Steve from Crossroads a copy which I thought was really sweet because guys don't really do that kind of stuff too often!

Here is a really great quote off of the cd "Those people who did the greatest things for God weren't people who were trying to do anything at all, they were just simply being obedient." Rich Mullins


carleigh said...

hey there,
thanks for helping out today. it was good to see you! and no, i don't have a blog. maybe you could show me how to do one. but i don't know if we are going to have access to the internet at our new house...

Anonymous said...

Hi Lori! My name is Windy Cobourne and I've been googling and googling trying to find somewhere I can buy these CD's! I had originally gotten them from 20 The Countdown Magazine after they had aired it and I still have one of the CD's but the other one I lost when I left a case full of CD's on a airplane. =( If you could burn me a copy of these or let me know of anyplace I could get them I'd be sooo appreciative. I'd be HAPPY to send you a check to cover the cost too! Thank you soo much! Windy Cobourne