Friday, December 28, 2007

Oh The Joys! Christmas with Two Little Boys!

Merry Christmas! We had a great Christmas (part 2) at our home. My parents came up to have Christmas with us and we had a great time. Landon was very excited that we were celebrating baby Jesus' birthday. The boys both got Nurf guns for Christmas. Logan (my 22 month old) has a small one bullet gun and is really good at it, hanging right in there with big brother. I am no longer surprised when I hear laughing from behind a door and am shot with Landon's semi nurf gun. I also get the luxury of finding nurf bullets in my shoes and in random places all over the house. I am out numbered, three boys (two little, one big) to one! Landon loves to protect me with his nurf gun, especially when it is dark and he is scared. He says "Mom, it's dark, come right behind me and I'll protect you!" Pictures to come!


Janelle and Ella said...

I am laughing right now! That is so sweet that Landon wants to protect is mommy.

FordeFam said...

Love it!!! I look forward to nurf guns with little Asher poo!!! :) Right now he and Lee are outnumbered!!! :) Poor guys! ;) Our house can get pretty dramatic! Merry Christmas! Can't wait to see pics!

Hannah E. said...

So fun! Nerf guns really might be one of my favorite things about having a boy. =)