Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Hi From Connecticut

We miss you in Texas! We made it to Connecticut! It's is really great to be here!
Dave is getting ready to start his phd in August. We went to register him last week. It was really exciting and I was so proud! His classes are fully funded and he will teach and coach to get free school. One of his classes is called Cadaver Anatomy, he has to dissect a cadaver to prepare it for the undergrads! He's excited about the class and I am very thankful that he is the one taking it and not me. I wouldn't be able to even walk through the door of that class. As Logan would say "EWE!"
I am doing great! I love living in the country and feel as though I was a misplaced city girl for my first 28 years. There's something about the beautiful quiet that makes it even easier to think about God.
Landon is so happy that he dances often. He loves living a 10th of a mile from our fishing cove and a half mile from our beach on our lake. He jumps off of a huge rock at the beach into a deep body of water and is as brave as other boys twice his age. (With a life jacket on.) He is in "boy heaven!"
Logan is doing great as well. He is saying all new words and is an intense fisherman. He has to reel the fish in all by himself. He still is as sweet as always and runs to give everyone hugs!


Janelle and Ella said...

Lori, It's good to hear about your life in Connecticut! Everything sounds wonderful!

carleigh said...

we miss you lori! and i miss having a work out partner! sounds like connecticut is going well- you're not missing the 100 degree heat here!! it is sooo hot! i hope that you will find a church soon, and that you find some good friends who believe the truth, and not what's in style!!

Amanda said...

I'm so glad y'all are doing well! It sounds like a wonderful place to live.

FordeFam said...

This is just precious! I love how you described your happy little dancing boys!!! Still praying for all of the adjustments and that you will find some solid friendships! :)

Lauren said...

Yes, it is quite a shock to be thrown into a universalist-unitarian culture. However, I learned a couple of lessons both when I transferred from conservative, Christian Baylor to liberal Rice and when we moved from the conservative, church-friendly South to New England:
1. We are called to be lights in the darkness.
2. The advantage to this culture is that people are at least completely honest about what they believe. I find that a lot of southerners tell you what you would like to hear (maybe twisting the truth a little bit to do so) rather than telling you the truth, even if it hurts. At least here you know where people stand. (The yucky part is when they are unkind in their honesty.)
3. The people who ARE Christians are some of the most genuine Christians you'll ever meet. Also, they are not always loud about what they believe, but they do live out their faith in a very genuine way and are wonderful examples of Christ in the workplace.

Lori, Landon and Logan said...

This was awesome to read Lauren! 1.We had a pastor just preach about being light in the darkness here. 2.My husband totally believes in your second point and was very frustrated with some people who were "fake" in Texas! 3.I have met some of the strongest Christians ever here! :)

Murrell Family said...

I love heaering these great updates! I'm glad y'all are adjusting so well.