He loves singing and doing the motions to In My Father's House (Come and Go with me, to my father's house, a big big house...). Thank you Sky Ranch, I never knew how handy the motions would come for entertaining my children! It's a huge hit in our house. Landon even leads the motions now.
His favorite Bible story that He has me read to him at least twice a week is the one where the widow puts in her two coins in the offering and Jesus says He thinks it is the greatest gift because she put in all she had. He says "wow mom." He is really into money and giving.
Landon has all the signs of a first born Leader with a capital L. He recently asked me if he could get out of the car and run down our long driveway to our house. I have noticed that he seems to enjoy any type of freedom he can get in doing things like this so I said yes. He then began to walk in front of our SUV and flag me into my spot all the way down our long driveway.
This is Callie, Landon's good friend AKA "girlfriend." Although he is a leader, he will do anything she asks of him. She sent him a letter in the mail and he wasn't too sure what to think of that. :)